Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spectra and the Rainbow

Spectra and the Rainbow

Long ago, the mortal world underwent a period of gloom and darkness. The sun had not shined in over a century because of the heavy rainfall that fell over the earth. Thankfully, the gods had protected the earth from flooding. Many of the people wondered why the gods had brought this upon them. They prayed and offered sacrifices to Zeus, but all they heard was silence. Many of the people had become weary and lethargic. Meanwhile, in Olympus, the gods were arguing. Zeus stated that he was bored with the humans and that he wished they were all wiped off the face of the earth. He argued that they were becoming more self centered and careless. On the other side, Athena and many other gods, tried to convince Zeus to give the humans a second chance. Zeus agreed, but on one condition. He would search for the most cheerful person, if one existed, and force them to find light in the dark and gloomy earth. The rest of the gods thought this was fair, so they agreed upon Zeus’ request.
In the small town of Raspora, there lived a peasant family with six children. All of the children were grown except for one, who was only sixteen. Her name was Spectra. Her parents loved her and were thankful for such a great daughter. In the midst of the human’s despair, Spectra spoke words of encouragement to others. One day she went to fetch apples from an apple orchard. When she found the trees, she was amazed because of their plentifulness. She immediately looked up to the heavens and thanked the gods for giving her food to feed her family. Hearing her words of thanksgiving, Zeus came to earth in the form of wind and breathed words to Spectra. He told her that she was to set out on a journey to find light in the world. Spectra asked how she was supposed to find the light. Zeus told her that he would send signs showing the way. He also told her that she could not miss the light, for it consisted of vibrancy.
Spectra placed the apples in her sack and traveled to find the light Zeus commanded her to find. She journeyed through farmlands and came upon a harvest of pumpkins. “A small pumpkin will make a great pie for my mother,” she thought. Spectra found the healthiest looking pumpkin out of the patch and followed the road again. Although the countryside was lush and green because of the rain, the sky was cloudy and dark because of the lack of light. Before entering the forest, Spectra came upon a field of yellow daffodils. “How beautiful! My sister would love a bouquet of freshly picked daffodils,” she said kindly. She gently placed the flowers into her sack along with the apples and pumpkin. While traveling through the forest, she came upon a bed of clovers. Her feet were tired, so she sat down and rested. Her hands wove through the green clovers and she picked up a handful. To her amazement, she found a four leaf clover. She laughed and put it in her sack and headed off because she remembered Zeus was counting on her to find the light. The path Zeus told her to follow led to a small village. She paced down the path and heard someone call out to her. She turned around and saw an old lady handing her a handkerchief. The lady told her she thought that she could use one because Spectra was dirty from traveling. Spectra thanked the old lady and placed the indigo handkerchief in her sack. The path became rocky after she left the village and the rain started to pour. However, Spectra knew she had to press on. As the rainfall lightened, she finally grew weary and she decided to rest behind a large rock. On the ground beside her was a bluebird’s feather. She had never seen such a blue feather in her life, so she put the feather into her sack. When Spectra passed the rocky hills, she came across a vineyard. Without a doubt, she was hungry, so she picked off a cluster of grapes. They tasted delicious. She saved the rest of the grapes she had picked and put them into her sack. It had been more than two days since Spectra spoke with the mighty Zeus, so she assumed that her journey must be coming to an end. Amazingly, she reached two golden gates within an hour. She opened them and went inside the garden. To her astonishment, gleaming light shone from a waterfall that was in the center of the garden. Spectra joyfully ran towards the light, but as soon as she reached the waterfall’s edge, she tripped and her sack went flying into the water. Suddenly, the light engulfed the sack with its belongings and vibrant colors of all sorts began to shine from the waterfall. Spectra covered her eyes because of the brightness. Then, she heard Zeus’ voice. He told her that because of her obedience, light would be restored to the earth once again.
Spectra went home and told her family of her adventure. She told them to look outside and see the light that shined in the sky. Beautiful colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, helped light the cloudless sky. Zeus declared that the object in the sky would be called a rainbow. He would stop the endless rain and this new light, the rainbow, would help illuminate the sky. ~ Kristen